a short site about The Divine Comedy

French version

Recent updates

02/10/2012, Update: Commissioned Works

A new section has been added to a short site: The Commissioned Works. This section gathers non-album works such as music for TV and films as well as recent drama and theatre works.
There you’ll find information about Swallows and Amazons or Sevastopol. Details and lyrics of the songs from the series The I.T. Crowd and Father Ted have also been added.

Moreover, detailed information about the known home recordings / demos of The Divine Comedy has been added. You’ll find there more about the development of the songs.
In addition to this, a section listing some of the gear used by the band over the years has recently been added thanks to many contributions.

And, a couple of new guitar tabs have been added thanks to Mathieu: ‘A Lady Of A Certain Age’ and ‘Bang Goes The Knighthood’.
