Here is everything you want to know about The Divine Comedy’s albums. If you are looking for informations about collectors and limited editions or if you want to look for a label, we advise you check the exhaustive discography.
Here are The Divine Comedy’s singles, with informations such as charts, dates of release etc.
You should know that ‘Tonight We Fly’ was due to be released as a single in late ‘94, but it unfortunately wasn’t because Setanta couldn’t afford it at the time.
The Divine Comedy EPs are discs that have been released but are neither albums nor commercial singles.
You should know as well that, in late ’96, an EP featuring the song ‘Christmas with the Hannons’ was to be released, but the idea was eventually abandoned.
This section gathers full length lives albums of The Divine Comedy.
In addition to those releases, many live tracks are to be found as B-sides on various releases (Everybody Knows, Bad Ambassador, The Bavarian EP, ...), or on a live record without being an album (Indulgence No.2, Fan club CD 1 & CD 2). Please refer to the exhaustive discography for more details.
Here is the list of Divine Comedy videos and video compilations. They are mainly lives and documentaries. If you’re looking for information about promotional video clips, have a look at the Songs Videos.